lunes, 28 de octubre de 2013

country profile


Official Name: Canada
Form of Government: Federal parliamentary state
Capital: Ottawa
Population: 31,629,000
Official Language: English, French
Money: Canadian dollar

Canada is in the Northern hemisphere, just up to USA, his capital is Ottawa and localized in the province of Ontario, the population in Canada is near 31 629 000, only one-half of one percent of the world's population, is a country quiet and his currency is the Canadian Dollar that is the same that 0.97078 U.S. dollars.

Canada has an extremely varied topography like black-blue lakes, numerous rivers, majestic mountains, rolling plains, and forested valleys. The Canadian Shield, a hilly region of lakes and swamps, has some of the oldest rocks on earth; Canada's far north is in the Arctic, where ice, snow, and glaciers dominate the landscape. Canada is famous to his natural resources like mountains and rivers also for buildings like the CN tower in Toronto. 

The Canadian food is influence to English, French and Scottish food; some of the foods most common in Canada are the Poutine, the Butter tarts and the Kraft Dinner. The music to the Canadian people listens included genres like classic music, rock, punk, blues, jazz, hip hop. Some Canadian musicians are Justin Bieber, Avril Lavigne, Celine Dion, Gordon Lightfoot, Stan Rogers, Paul Anka, Michael Bublé, etc. The most common are ice hockey, lacrosse, Canadian football, basketball, soccer, curling and baseball. In Canada celebrate festivals to comedy, literacy, music, cine and food, some festivals or holydays in Canada are Canada Day, Icelandic Festival, Thanksgiving, Polar Bear Swim Day, Waffle Day. 

The Canadian art refers to painting, photography, printmaking and plastic arts principally the painting and photography that searches the essence of the landscape.
Canada doesn’t have any official religion however the Canadian people have pluralism that should be Catholicism, Protestantism, Islam, Hinduism or none.
The first people to come to Canada arrived between 15,000 and 30,000 years ago across a land bridge that joined Asia and North America. Around A.D. 1000, the Viking explorer Leif Eriksson reached Newfoundland, Canada. He tried to establish a settlement, but it didn't last. In the 16th century, French and British settlers arrived. Land disputes between farmers and fur traders led to four wars between 1689 and 1763. The final war, called the French and Indian War, left the British in control of Canada, but French influence remains strong even today. In 1867, Ontario, Quebec, Nova Scotia, and New Brunswick combined to form a dominion with its own government, parliament, and prime minister. Manitoba joined soon after. In 1931, Canada became an independent nation. Actually Canada has a federal government, which includes a parliament and a prime minister

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